The student who is found responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct may appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Hearing Board or Hearing Officer and/or the sanction imposed by the Dean of Students following a student conduct hearing by emailing a letter of appeal to the Vice President for Student Success (Email: within five days of the official’s decision. The letter of appeal must specifically allege and factually support one or more of the following grounds:

Criteria for submitting an appeal of the conduct violations findings:

  1. The student's rights as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct were violated (i.e., there was an error in the procedure or the interpretation of the Code of Student Conduct that substantially affected the student's ability to receive a fair hearing). A summary of this violation and its potential impact must be included in their letter of appeal.


2. New evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation, has been discovered that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included in the letter of appeal.

~ i.e. Court decision rendered after the administrative letter was issued, new information from other parties, etc


Appeals Instructions

  1. Email a cover letter requesting an appeal:
    1. Describe your situation and any new information or procedural error.
  2. Include any relevant documentation pertaining to the new information or procedural error listed in your cover letter.

Next Steps:

  1. The University retains the discretion to hold any sanctions in abeyance until after the appeal. 
  2. The Vice President of Student Success shall notify the respondent and complainant (if any and where required by law) regarding whether the appeal is accepted or rejected, and the basis of the rejection where applicable. Upon acceptance, the Vice President of Student Success shall request a copy of the record of the hearing.
  3. Within ten days from receipt of the record, the Vice President for Student Success shall review the record and render a written decision. The Vice President for Student Success may affirm the decision, overturn the decision, or remand the case to the original Hearing Board or Hearing Officer.
  4. The decision of the Vice President for Student Success shall be based on the record only and is the final decision of the University. A copy of the decision shall be sent to the respondent, the complainant (if any and where required by law), and will be included in the record. 


Contact Information

Jennifer Joyce
Office of the Vice President for Student Success
PO Box 174220
Bozeman, MT 59171-4220
Phone: 406-994-2828