Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
SUB Room 235
Printable Minutes



Waded Cruzado, Dean Adams, Fran Albrecht, Justin Arndt, Sreekala Bajwa, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Jonathan Dove, Tracy Ellig, Colter Ellis, Stephanie Erdmann, Chris Fastnow, Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey Gilbert, Brian Gillespie, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Stefani Hicswa, John How, Yves Idzerda, Greg Kegel, Ryan Knutson, Chere LeClair, Ilse-Mari Lee, Terry Leist, Dan Miller, Bob Mokwa, Doralyn Rossmann, Tricia Seifert, Steve Swinford, Kim Obbink, Craig Ogilvie, Kellie Peterson, Sarah Shannon, Cody Stone, Amber Vestal, Brad White, Jacob Zink


  1. Call to Order
    • President called meeting to order at 8:30am
  2. Approval of Minutes for May 1, 2024
    • Minor typo update – Terry
    • Matt Caires – Moved to approve
    • Terry Leist – Second
    • Approved
  3. University Wide Information/Announcements
    • President Cruzado reminded the attended about the Welcome Back Picnic today and offered her best wishes that we are going to have a great year.
  4. Public Comment
    • No Public Comment
  5. New Items
    1. Operating Policy Revisions
      Justin Arndt, Chief Compliance Officer
      • Justin presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Operating Policy and discussed that this is the overall policy for development, identification, distribution, review and revision of University Policies.
  6. Informational Items
    1. Museum of the Rockies Update
      Chris Dobbs, Executive Director, Museum of the Rockies
      • Chris Dobbs presented on Museum of the Rockies Master Planning with Rocky Rex showing what the future design of the Museum of the Rockies could look like. Explained the future vision for how the Museum will be used and connect with the community at large.
    2. ADA Facilities Transition Plan 2024 report update
      Grant Petersen, Director for Planning, Design and Construction
      • Grant presented on the discussions and plans on behalf of the working committee. He presented on specifically Title II and ADA Standards for Accessible Design. His presentation gave an overview of how much of the building space at MSU is ADA Compliant and progress that has been made over the years.
  7. Updates
    • Accreditation NWCCU – we are up to our 7year report, August 1 report submitted – Theme “Continuous Improvement”, site visit in October
    • Undergraduate research kicking off in the SUB – September 2
    • 124 projects this summer, Grant St. should finish this week
    • Faculty Senate on August 28 – first meeting
    • MOR – hosting mythical creatures traveling exhibit
    • 3 buildings are turning 50 within the College of Arts and Architecture – Homecoming celebrations planned
    • This is the year to apply for our Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement
    • Annual Diversity Report is complete
    • October 10 – Carl Hiaasen– MSU Library’s Trout Lecture
    • Justin Van Almelo – new Associate CIO
    • New Graduate School Picnic – 3:30 – 5:00pm, Friday, August 23
    • Welcome Back BBQ today – 11:30-1:00pm
    • CatWalk on Friday

NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2024, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM in SUB, Alumni Legacy Lounge.