Adult learners, non-traditional students, and first-generation students are a growing and essential part of the MSU student population. In alignment with the MSU Strategic Plan to ensure access to life-changing higher education with the potential to transform lives and communities, three scholar programs – Return-to-Learn, Montana’s Own, and 1893 – provide scholarship and supportive services to these students. Combined with AYCSS supports from Career, Internship, and Student Employment Services and the Office of Financial Education, scholars enjoy free tutoring until graduation and a variety of networking and educational opportunities designed specifically for them.

Office Of Return-To-Learn

Since its inception in 2014, the Office of Return-to-Learn has provided a model for excellent service and support for the returning student population. Designed to make the return process seamless, staff work with scholars to overcome barriers that may prevent their return, clear holds, begin the registration process, and contact their new department and advisor. Beginning in Fall 2022, a Scholar Success Plan targeting goals and areas of concern has been integrated into introductory appointments; this document has led to increased appointment success and retention. 

“I enjoy the fact I feel supported and that I have a true success team that wants me to succeed in college. When I first attended MSU 2016-2019 I was faced with challenges and problems that I truly didn’t have a solution for. But with the support of the Return-to-Learn Office I feel I have a team of people who are willing to help me and find solutions to problems. Thank you for all your support!”
-Ryan Dain