
Areas of Interest

Computer Engineering, Digital Systems, Engineering Education


Dr. LaMeres joined the Montana State ECE faculty in July of 2006. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder in December of 2005, his MSEE from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in May of 2001, and his BSEE from Montana State University, Bozeman in December of 1998. LaMeres teaches and conducts research in the area of digital systems with particular emphasis on exploiting reprogrammable fabrics to deliver more effective computer systems.  LaMeres' team is currently working on a computer technology (RadPC) under funding from NASA that will be heading to the moon in 2024.  LaMeres is also studying how engineering education can be improved using innovative e-learning environments.  Dr. LaMeres was appointed the Director of the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC) in September of 2016.  Dr. LaMeres was also appointed the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Boeing Professor in July of 2018.

LaMeres has published over 100 manuscripts and 5 textbooks in the area of high speed digital systems. LaMeres has also been granted 15 US patents in the area of computer technology. LaMeres is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Montana and Colorado.

Prior to coming to MSU, Dr. LaMeres worked as an R&D engineer for Agilent Technologies in Colorado Springs, CO from 1999 to 2006. LaMeres was a hardware design engineer in the Logic Analysis R&D lab. He designed acquisition hardware for the 16910/11/12 and 16950 Logic Analyzer systems in addition to developing a variety of probing solutions.

In 2019 and 2020, LaMeres published five new textbooks on digital logic and embedded systems.  These books have all undergone multiple revisions.  If you wish to purchase one, the best prices are always on Amazon.  Click on the links below to go directly to the Amazon offering.

Intro to Logic w/ VHDL Intro to Logic w/ Verilog Quick Start w/ VHDL Quick Start w/ Verilog Embedded Systems Design (2nd Ed)
(2023) (2023) (2023) (2023) (2023)


Subscribe to Dr. LaMeres' YouTube Channel

Subscribe to Dr. LaMeres' YouTube channel to get access to the most recent textbook videos plus other online instructional content he has created.  Dr. LaMeres’ YouTube channel focuses on introductory-level instruction of digital logic circuits, embedded systems, basic programming, and robotics.  This channel is for: (1) engineering instructors looking for material to augment their live teaching; (2) K-12 teachers wishing to implement engineering modules in their classrooms; (3) makers that need an introduction to basic electrical engineering; or (4) anyone just curious about how computers work.


Recent News

RadPC Patent Plaque

In April of 2024, LaMeres and his former Ph.D. student Chris Major received a US patent on the RadPC space computer technology.  This technology has been advanced at MSU for over a decade and was licensed to LaMeres' spin-out Resilient Computing in 2021.


LaMeres Receives Grant to Advance Cybersecurity in Power Grid Computers

In February of 2024, LaMeres received a grant from the Idaho National Laboratory to advance the cybersecurity of the edge computers used in the nation's power grid. (MSU News Story, 2/26/24)


MSU Reserachers Receive ISS Payloads Back

In February of 2024, LaMeres' reserach lab received two payloads back from the International Space Station.  The payloads each spent a year on the ISS testing MSU's space computer technology's (RadPC) ability to process advanced artificial intellegence (AI) algorithms while being exposed to the harsh radiation environment of space.  (MSU News Story, 2/12/24)


LaMeres Presents on Space Computers

In April of 2023, LaMeres was invited to present his research on space computing at the Museum of the Rockies as part of the Gallatin Valley Friends of the Sciences lecture series.  The event was open to the public and gave a high level overview of the space computing reserach that LaMeres' team has conducted over the past decade leading up to the 2024 lunar mission.  (MSU News Story, 4/13/23)


American Legion Hall of Fame

In April of 2023, LaMeres was inducted into the American Legion Hall of Fame.  LaMeres played 5 years of Legion baseball in Billings, MT including 4 years on the Scarlets.  The 1993 Scarlet team was also inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2016 for winning the state championship in '93.  (2023 Induction Program) (Wide Left Podcast Interview)


Scripps News - What's so important about semiconductors?

In March of 2023, LaMeres was intereviewed as part of a Scrippts News segment called "What's so important about microchips?".  LaMeres had two small segments within the first 1:15 of the video, which can be viewed here.


KVGM Interview

In January of 2023, LaMeres was intereviewed by Drs Alris and Suzanne Wood on their KVM radio show "Health and Happiness".  The interview focused on LaMeres' space research, which the hosts thought would be an inpirational topic for their listeners.  You can listen to the show here.


LaMeres 2023 VPR Award for Tech Transfer

In January of 2023, LaMeres was awarded MSU's Vice President for Research's Meritorious Technology Award for his work on commercializing the RadPC computer technology.  RadPC was licensed to LaMeres' spin-out Resilient Computing.  RadPC is currently patent-pending.  (MSU News Story, 1/2/23) (Bozeman Chronicle, 1/4/23)


RadPC Delivery

In November of 2022, reserach assistants delivered a RadPC payload to Firefly Aerospace for integration with their lunar lander.  This is the culmination of 2 years of work at MSU to build and space qualify the payload.  It will travel to the lunar surface in mid 2024 for RadPC's most rigorous test yet.  MSU News and the Bozeman Chronicle each wrote stories about the delivery (MSU News, 12/1/22) (Bozeman Chronicle, 12/20/22)

RadPC Mtn n Minds

The fall 2022 issue of Mountains & Minds magazine featured a story about the history of RadPC (Mountains and Minds, Fall 22)


In February of 2022 the MSU Exponent (MSU's student newspaper) published a front page story on "Moon Message" project to encourage students to submit their messsages.  (MSU Exponent, 2/24/22)

Send Message to the Moon

In January of 2022, Dr. LaMeres kicked off an outreach project to let people upload messages and optional photos to the RadPC that will be carried to the moon in 2023.  Since there is no return trip planned, these messages could potentially stay on the moon for 1000's of years!  (MSU News, 1/31/22) (Bozeman Chronicle, 2/1/22) (KSKY Interview, 2/3/22) (Yellowstone Public Radio, 2/7/22) (KBZK News, 2/8/22).  If you want to upload a message, go to


Resilient Ready for Liftoff

In December, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle wrote a feature highlighting the 1st year successes of LaMeres' spin-out company Resilient Computing.  Resilient Computing was founded by LaMeres to commercialize the RadPC space computer technology that has been developed in his MSU lab.  (Bozeman Chonicle, 12/9/21


Resilient Wins Ent Challenge

In November, LaMeres' spin-out Resilient Computing won NASA's 2021 Entreprenuers Challenge. (MSU News, 12/2)


NASA FOP Tests RadPC Prior to Moon Mission

In October of 2021, NASA released a feature about all of the testing that RadPC has undergone through its Flight Oppertunities Program (FOP) in preparation for its Moon mission.  NASA's FOP has allowed RadPC to be tested on multiple sounding rocket and high-altitude balloon missions.  (NASA Press, 10/18/21


MEERC 5-Year Imact Report

In September of 2021, the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC) celebrated its 5th anniversary.  You can read about all of the accomplishments of the MEERC in its 5-year Impact Report.


Resilient Computing Selected for Early Stage Montana Hyperaccelerator

In September of 2021, LaMeres' MSU spin-out Resilient Computing was selected to participate in the Early Stage Montana's Hyperaccelerator.  This program is a week-long intensive training program on how to structure a technology-based small business for growth. (MSU News, 9/15/21)


RadPC Flies on Raven Balloon

In July of 2021, the RadPC computer was flown on the Raven Aerostar Stratocast balloon system to test its latest memory protection procedures.  (MSU News, 8/4/21


Resilient Computing wins MSU Venture 50k Pitch Competition

In April of 2021, LaMeres' presented the idea for his spin-out company Resilient Computing at the MSU Venture 50k Pitch Competition sponsored by the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship.  The pitch was for a business to sell computer technology developed at MSU for space and critical applications.  LaMeres' pitch won 1st place.  (MSU News, 4/20/21)


Preparing for Launch

In March of 2021, LaMeres' RadPC technology that was selected to go to the moon through NASA's CLPS program was manifested on the Firefly Aerospace' Blue Ghost Lunar Lander.  (MSU News, 3/8/21)


The Amp Hour Podcast

On June 21, 2020, Dr. LaMeres was interveiwed by Chris Gammell from The Amp Hour podcast.  Topics ranged from LaMeres' own engineering education approach to his current aerospace research that is working toward testing a new computer technology on the moon.  Listen to the podcast here and/or read the highlights here.


RadSat-u Deployment   RadSat-u Deployment 2

On February 2, 2020, "RadSat-u" was deployed from the International Space Station.  This 12+ month mission will test a further iteration of the radiation tolerant computing technology that Dr. LaMeres has been developing.  Pictured here is RadSat-u being pushed out of the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer.  Notice the MSU Cat Head on the front of RadSat-u!

Brock Receiving Fox Award

On January 2, 2020, Dr. LaMeres received the MSU Fox Faculty Award .  This award is given to faculty members that demonstrate excellence across teaching, research, and mentorship.  LaMeres was given the award at the 2020 MSU Spring Convocation.  (MSU News Story, 1/2/20) (Bozeman Chronicle, 2/5/20


RadSat-u Launch  NG-12 Launch 2

On November 2, 2019, the Northrop Grumman NG-12 resupply mission carried "RadSat-u" to the International Space Station.  RadSat-u is the second research satellite that Dr. LaMeres' team has developed to test a new computer technology that can operate in the presense of space radiation.  LaMeres and his students, Chris Major (MSEE, 2020) and Colter Barney (BSEE, 2021), attended the launch at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.  (MSU News Story, 11/15/19)

MSU Computer Headed to Moon

In July of 2019, Dr. LaMeres was awarded $1.6M to demonstrate his radiation tolerant computer technology on the surface of the moon.  The technology, called RadPC, will be carried onboard a commercial lunar lander as soon as 2021.  The RadPCpayload will also carry radiation sensors to provide characterization data for the lunar surface in preparation for sustained human presence.  (MSU News Story, 7/1/19) (NASA Press Release, 7/1/19) (AP Release, 7/7/19) (NBC Montana Story, 7/8/19) (KBZK Story, 7/8/19)


RadSat-g Deployment  RadSat-g Deployed 2

In July of 2018, "RadSat-g" was deployed from the International Space Station.  This 12 month mission will test how the radiation tolerant computing technology that Dr. LaMeres has been developing for over a decade will respond to space radiation.  Pictured here is RadSat-g being pushed out of the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer.  Notice that MSU logo on the front of RadSat-g!


TRNG News Story  TRNG Flight

On September 22, 2019, an experiment developed in Dr. LaMeres' lab to generate true random numbers from space radiation was flown on a high altitude out of New Mexico.  The ability to create a true random number can increase the security of communication links by strengthening encryption algorithms.  The project was funded by the NASA Flight Oppertunity Program (FOP).  (MSU News Story, 12/10/18) (Bozeman Chronicle Article, 12/11/18) (KBUL Radio Interview, 12/12/18) 


LaMeres' Named Boeing Professor 

In September of 2018, Dr. LaMeres was named the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering's Boeing Professor.  This endowed position is responsible for coordinating and overseeing college-wide activities aimed as aligning the skills of engineering graduates to the needs of the workforce. (MSU News Story, 9/14/18)


LaMeres Wins National Award for Engineering Education

In June of 2018, LaMeres received the Distinguished Educator Award from the Electrical & Computer Division of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE).  This award recognizes significant contribution to ECE education including excellence in teaching, publications of educational research, development of novel curricula, and authoring of textbooks. (MSU News Story, 8/6/18)


MEERC at ASEE 2018 

In June of 2018, MSU published a record number of papers (17) at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.  Raising the profile of MSU within ASEE is a strategic goal of the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC), for which Dr. LaMeres serves as director.  The MSU News Service wrote a story about this successful showing. (MSU News Story, 6/24/18


RadSat Launch on Orbital ATK OA9, May 22, 2018

On May 22, 2018, the Orbital ATK OA9 Resupply mission carried "RadSat-g" to the International Space Station.  RadSat-g is a research satellite that Dr. LaMeres' team developed to test a new computer technology that can operate in the presense of space radiation.  LaMeres and his graduate student, Skylar Tamke (MSEE, 2018), attended the launch at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.  (MSU News Story, 5/22/18)


Name Plate Pro Video Thumb

In May 2018, MSU Communications produced a video on the 125 year anniversary tribute that Dr. LaMeres' research team conducted.  The tribute consisted of flying the names of the May 2018 graduating class onboard a resesearch satellite (MSU Communications Video, May 21, 2018)


RadSat Commencement Announcement - May 5, 2018 

At the Spring 2018 Commencement, MSU President Waded Cruzado announced Dr. LaMeres' tribute to the 125 year anniversiary of the university.  This 2:26 minute video is an excerpt from the commencement live stream when the announcement was made.

Bozeman Chronicle Image for Name Plate Story

In April of 2018 Dr. LaMeres' team announced that they had put together a tribute to the 125th Anniversary of MSU.  Each of the names of the May 2018 graduating class were etched onto thin aluminum plates (2000+ names) and inserted into a research satellite that Dr. LaMeres' team has been working on.  The satellite will be carried to the International Space Station on May 22, 2018, and then put into orbit during the summer.  (MSU News Story, 4/30/18Bozeman Chronicle Story, 5/2/18)


2018 Summer Courses

During the summer of 2018, Dr. LaMeres will be teaching two fully online courses on digital logic.  The courses are EELE 261 - Introduction to Logic Circuits and EELE 367 - Logic Design.  EELE 261 will be offered during the second summer session (6/11/18 - 7/6/128) and EELE 367 will be offered during the third summer session (7/9/18 - 8/2/18).   The laboratory components of these courses will be performed using a portable lab kit that can be checked out from MSU.  Information about these courses can be found here: (Course Offering Overview, EELE 261 Syllabus, EELE 367 Syllabus).


RadSat Overview Video

In November of 2017, the MSU Communications team created a research overview video showing the highlights in the development of LaMeres' radiation tolerant computer. (MSU Communication Video, 11/27/17)



In November of 2017, LaMeres released an online course on Arduino-based robotics for in-service K-12 teachers through the National Teachers Enhancement Network.  (MSU News Story, 11/9/17, KBZK News Story, 11/14/17)



In November of 2017, LaMeres was part of a team that was awarded $445,000 from the National Science Foundation to improve the spatial skills of middle schoolers.  The project will use the gaming platform MineCraft to implement a curriculum that will ultimately lead to improved performance in math and science courses.  (MSU News Story, 11/6/17)


STEM Story Tellers

In October of 2017, LaMeres was part of a team that was awarded $500,000 from the National Science Foundation to improve the communication skills of STEM graduate students.  This project will use a variety of unconventional approaches to teaching effective communication including having students create Podcasts, present at Curiosity Cafes, and even being trained by an improvisational actor.  (MSU News Story, 10/9/17) (Link to Program Website)


RadSat Development

In September of 2017, LaMeres was awarded $100,000 from NASA to deploy and operate a satellite to demonstrate his radiation tolerant computer technology.  The satellite called "RadSat-g", will be carried to the International Space Station on-board a commercial resupply mission and then deployed into orbit using the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer.  (MSU News Story, 9/13/17)



In February of 2017, LaMeres' radiation tolerant computer was selected by NASA's Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa) program to fly as an auxiliary payload aboard missions planned to launch in 2018, 2019 and 2020.  The MSU satellite, called "RadSat-u" was ranked #2 out of the 34 payloads selected in the 2017 class.  RadSat-u represents MSU's 7th selection by the NASA ELaNa program  Prior selections where HRBE-E1P, FireBird, FireBird 11, PRINTSat, IT-SPINS, and RadSat-g.  MSU's small satellites are developed by the MSU Space Science & Engineering Lab.   The official NASA Press Release can be read here: (NASA Press Release, 2/17/17).

LaMeres USIP

In January of 2017, LaMeres was awarded $200,000 from NASA to develop a small satellite to demonstrate MSU's radiation tolerant computer. (MSU News Story, 1/31/17)



In January of 2017, LaMeres' research team deployed "Artemis" on the International Space Station.  Artemis is a new type of radiation tolerant computer system that will be tested for 12 months on the ISS.  Pictured here is the installation of Artemis.  (MSU News Story, 1/17/17) (Video of Artemis Floating) (ABC FOX Montana News Story).  This project was funded by a $100,000 grant that LaMeres received from NASA in 2014 (MSU News, 6/20/14).



In January of 2017, LaMeres was invited to give the Spring Convocation address titled "Transforming Engineering Education". (MSU News Story, 1/4/17)


LaMeres Named MEERC Director 

In November of 2016, LaMeres was named the Director of the newly formed Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC).  (MSU News Story 11/21/16)

LaMeres VHDL Book 

 In October of 2016, LaMeres published a new book on digital circuits.  The book is used in EELE 261 and EELE 367 at MSU and has already been adopted by a number of other schools both in Montana and internationally. (Available on Amazon)

 LaMeres Spearheads new Center

In September of 2016, the Montana Engineering Education Research Center was approved by the Board of Regents.  LaMeres spearheaded the effort on behalf of the MSU college of engineering (MSU News Story, 9/27/16) (Bozeman Chonicle Story)


2nd Gradres Artwork 

In July of 2016, LaMeres worked with 2nd graders at Morning Star Elementary School to design the mission logo for his research team's computer demonstration on the International Space Station.  Stickers bearing the logo were sent to the ISS in July and will be returned to the students as keepsakes sometime in 2017.  LaMeres' daughter Kylie was the lead artist on the project (MSU News Story, 7/21/16) (Making of the Logo Video) (ABC FOX Montana News Story) (KBZK News Story) (NBC Montana News Story)

RadPC Launch out of Wallops

In March of 2016, LaMeres' research team launched a version of his computer system called "RadPC" into outer space.  The launch took place at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.  Pictured here is the moment of launch of the Improved Terrior-Orion vehicle. (Launch Video Montage, 3/7/16).  This flight was made possible by a $100,000 grant that LaMeres received from NASA in 2012 (NASA Press Release, 7/2/12).



In January of 2015, LaMeres won the MSU James & Mary Ross Provost's Award for Excellence for his work in creating innovative course materials for lower level engineering classes.  Pictured here is Dr. LaMeres receiving the award from MSU President Cruzado at the 2015 Convocation (MSU News Story, 1/5/15). 

Awards & Honors

  • 2023 MSU Vice President for Research’s Meritorious Technology & Science Award (peer selected).
  • 2022 MSU College of Engineering, Excellence in Outreach Award (peer selected).
  • 2020 MSU Fox Award for excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring (peer selected).
  • 2018 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Educator Award (national award, peer selected).
  • 2018/2017/2016/2015/2014/2013, 2007 Outstanding Instructor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman (student selected).
  • 2015/2008 MSU Alumni Association & Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence. (student selected).
  • 2017 Featured Convocation Speaker, Montana State University (Provost selected), “Transforming Engineering Education”.
  • 2015 MSU James and Mary Ross Award for excellence in integrating research findings into lower-level engineering courses (peer selected).
  • 2014 MSU Excellence in Online Teaching Award for exceptional creation and/or delivery of online courses (peer selected).
  • 2014 MSU College of Engineering Lloyd Berg Faculty Mentorship Award (peer selected).
  • 2013 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Pacific Northwest Section Outstanding Instructor Award.
  • 2013 MSU Teaching Innovation Award for development of novel instructional techniques to teach engineering laboratories remotely (peer selected).
  • 2011 MSU President’s Excellence in Teaching Award for exemplary impact on university education through competition capstone projects (peer selected).
  • Best Paper Award, “The Montana MULE – A Case Study in Interdisciplinary Design”, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Multidisciplinary Engineering Division, Vancouver, B.C., June 2011.
  • 2010 MSU College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award (peer selected).
  • Best Paper Award, "Broadband Impedance Matching for Inductive Interconnect in VLSI Packaging", IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). Circuit Consideration in Processor Design track, 2005.
  • Best Paper Award, "Performance Modeling for Off-Chip Busses Considering Bandwidth and Cost", DesignCon-05. PCB & Package Co-Design Track, Feb 2005.
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 2001.

Other/Past News