Four MSU students in Italy

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience and can be particularly valuable for business majors because nearly all business is global. Your study abroad experience could be a semester or for a full year, a shorter summer program, or even a faculty-led program.

Your expenses could be approximately the same as your expenses at MSU (plus travel and personal expenses) depending on the program you select. Many of your pre-approved courses can count toward your Jabs degree requirements, and you'll gain valuable experiences that will help you grow personally and professionally.

Hundreds of international exchange opportunities are available to you through the
MSU Office of International Programs. Check out the list of MSU Study Abroad opportunities. Be sure to filter for "Business" in the subject. Go check it out!

Here's how to get started:

  1. Go to MSU Study Abroad “drop-in” advising for general information in SUB 175. See Study Abroad website for hours:
  2. Check out MSU Study Abroad website:
    • Explore options for countries and universities:
    • Understand the application process:
  3. Narrow down schools to 2-3, research websites for available courses
  4. Meet with a Jabs advisor (Jabs 124) to review list of possible study abroad courses and learn about our policies**. Click here to make an appointment:
    **Come to this meeting prepared by completing steps 1-3 above and bringing a list of courses you’d like to take on study abroad, course descriptions and syllabi (if possible).
  5. Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor in Office of International Programs (OIP) to: finalize study abroad program type & location, and start the application process.
    **Come to this meeting prepared by reviewing the steps in the application process prior to your appointment:
  6. After you have been accepted into your program, connect with your advisor to have courses officially approved (this step can be completed via email)
    • The process of approving courses usually takes about a week, so plan ahead!
    • Come to this meeting prepared with a list of courses you’d like to take, course descriptions and syllabi (if possible).
    • If you have an International Business (IB) minor you must also meet with the IB minor advisor Dr. Myleen Leary, to have your study abroad courses approved for the minor.

What You Should Know:
1. Studying abroad takes time & planning; you’ll apply early in the semester before you want to go abroad.
2. The best time to study abroad is spring of your sophomore year (but we can make other times work, too).
3. Jabs offers scholarships (see below) to help cover the cost of study abroad!
3. There are limitations to the number of 300/400 level courses you can take on study abroad.
4. Working out the logistics for study abroad can be a lot of work, BUT it’s worth it! And we are here to support you!

Jabs offers International Fellowships (scholarships) for qualified students.


For further information contact:
Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship
Office of Student Services
Jabs Hall 124

(406) 994-4681