Instructors and Organizers


Brittany Fasy

Associate Professor
Gianforte School of Computing and
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Fasy is a researcher in topological data analysis. She co-leads the CompTaG research group, started in Fall 2015. She is interested in increasing diversity in math and CS, as evidenced through serving on the steering committee for women in computational topology and as PI on an NSF grant to bring computer science to rural and American Indian middle school students in Montana through storytelling: MSU Storytelling Group.

   Barnard Hall 363
   (406) 994-4804

Ben Holmgren

Computer Science Graduate
Gianforte School of Computing

Ben Holmgren is a researcher in computational geometry and topology and a software engineer. As an undergraduate, he co-created a tutorial project for techniques in the R-TDA package under the mentorship of Dr. Fasy and Dr. Millman, which led to the creation of the T4DS workshop.


Previous Organizers


Stacey Hancock

Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Hancock is a researcher in statistics and data science education. She and Dr. Fasy are PIs on an NSF grant to bringcomputer science to rural and American Indian middle school students in Montana through storytelling: MSU Storytelling Group.

   Wilson Hall 2-195
   (406) 994-5350

David Millman

Former Assistant Professor
Gianforte School of Computing
Dr. Millman is a researcher in computational geometry, co-founder of Blocky McChainerson LLC, and advisor to Nowsta Inc. and Reactor Technologies. He and Dr. Fasy co-authored the TDA R package and co-lead theCompTaG research group.

Veronika Strnadova-Neeley

Former Assistant Professor
Gianforte School of Computing
Dr. Strnadova-Neeley is a researcher in scalable clustering algorithms andanomaly detection.