Dr. James G. Hauwiller, MSU Professor
Bozeman, Montana

The J.E.E.M. (Joint Exchange in Educational Methodology) Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Dr. James G. Hauwiller, Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Social Studies Education at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.  Dr. Hauwiller dedicated his life to education.  He was especially committed to international education, which began when he and his wife, Yvonne, served in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, West Africa (1965-68).  Later he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and sabbatical leave in Thailand (1989-90) to develop instructional methods workshops for college professors.  In the late ‘90’s, he was project director for the P.I.E. (Partners in Education) and T.E.A. (Teachers of Excellence) groups that came to MSU from Russia, Siberia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.  He was also involved with education projects in Azerbaijan and Mongolia.  Dr. Hauwiller truly loved the educators that he met here at MSU and cherished his subsequent exchange visits to their schools, universities, and their homes. It was this love and his interest in promoting cultural exchanges that caused his family to establish this JEEM Scholarship.

The GOAL of JEEM is to contribute to the internationalizing of education by offering an award for studying American education and culture.  This will result in educational exchanges with teachers, professors, and administrators within the Bozeman area schools and MSU.

Objective #1

The program will provide educational and cultural activities. The participant’s study and observation will focus upon the following:

  1. The educational system of America through all academic levels by school visitations, direct observation of teaching, and work with mentor partners.
  2. Each teacher applicant will identify an area related to his or her academic specialization and propose a study project to complete. 
  3. Emphasis while here will be on observing methods of teaching, reviewing curriculum and gathering teaching materials to assist in completing the proposed study project.

Objective # 2

The participant will develop curriculum, study units, and gather teaching materials to use in their home country.  They will use what they learned about Montana and America in their social studies, civic education, and/or English language courses.

Some information about the project

  1. Montana State University, Department of Education Chairperson will coordinate the project.
  2. A professor from MSU Education Department will mentor the participant in developing his/her project.
  3. This is an independent study project awarded to one scholar for the four-week program.
  4. The scholar will develop and make a presentation on Culture & Education in their country to MSU Department of Education and at a community event.
  5. The participant will observe methods classes at the University, Gallatin College, observe teachers in the elementary and secondary schools, and observe ESL classes at the Adult Learning Center and at the World Language Institute.
  6. Written and spoken English at a university entrance level will be necessary to be successful in this project.

Bozeman, Montana is situated in a beautiful farming valley surrounded by mountains.  It is located 90 miles north of Yellowstone National Park. It is the home of Montana State University (MSU). For more information go to:  www.montana.edu

Provisions of the Award

  1. Preference for dates is from first week of October to second week of November, as this is an ideal time to be in Montana and to work within the schools.
  2. Four to five-week program, including travel time.
  3. Round trip air ticket from home country to Bozeman.
  4. Health Insurance while studying at MSU and while traveling to and from Bozeman.
  5. A homestay with lodging, meals, and transportation provided as needed.
  6. A stipend of $500 will be given to the recipient to help cover travel costs.

Selection of Participant

Deadline for applications varies each year and is included in the application information. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted.

The award recipient will be selected by a committee of educators and community members. Finalists may be interviewed by ZOOM or SKYPE.

Preference will be given to those who have not studied in the U.S.

To be successful, the applicant must fully explain how his/her participation in the program will fulfill the objectives and goals of JEEM.  Priority will be given to teachers of social studies, TESL, and those who teach curriculum which lends itself to civics education, world history, world geography, and English language.

Travel to USA requires a valid current passport.  Passport and visa fees are the responsibility of the participant. 

E-mail applications will be accepted, but as a WORD or pdf  attachment only. Please, no in-line text.

Direct all communication concerning this project to:

Yvonne Hauwiller, M.Ed.
JEEM Program Administrator
1221 S. Black Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59715
Phone: 001 406 587-4643

Updated March 6, 2024