Montana 4-H Congress Announcement
Friday May 1, 2020
Like so many events this spring and summer, Montana 4-H Congress is adjusting to our new world of physical distancing and is going virtual. Considering both the restrictions of facilities and the safety of our 4-H youth, adult volunteers, and staff it would be irresponsible for the Montana 4-H program to hold an event where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
We know the Covid-19 guidelines may change between now and July, but we made this decision now in order to have the time to plan a virtual event with as much fun and impact as possible. Even if the state transitions to Phase II of Re-opening Montana and allows gatherings of groups of 50, our event with an attendance of 300-400 cannot meet the guidelines.
This is not a cancellation, just a new format. Contests will continue in a new way, workshops will be presented, and keynote speakers will reach out through distance learning platforms. While this is a loss in many ways, we know that an amazing and historical virtual event can be provided that brings social engagement, the practicing of valuable skills through competitive events and educational opportunities that provide self-growth and development of new skills. We are excited to see what can be done with technology and ingenuity and hope you are too!
Dr. Todd KesnerDirector, Montana 4-H Center for Youth Development
Brett SchomerProgram and Events Specialist, Montana 4-H
Virtual events and activities will take place during the regularly scheduled congress
week, July 6-10, 2020. Information about the event will be distributed in the following
ways. We will be sending updates regarding officer selection, contsts, workshops and
other activities as plans are made.
- MSU Extension county offices
- Congress webpage
- Montana 4-H Social Media pages, FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM
Montana 4-H Congress Virtual Event Survey
Please complete the short survey indicating your preferences and ideas for a virtual congress event.
Survey is for both 4-H members and adult volunteers.