Contest will take place during Montana 4-H Congress event and interview times will take place on Wednesday July 12, 2023. 

Questions or additional information is available by contacting Janell Barber, Chouteau County MSU Extension Agent 


The Quilt Contest is an educational component of the 4‐H Clothing and Textiles program. It demonstrates the application of the principles of design and an understanding of the techniques required to construct a quilt or other quilted item.


Counties may nominate any number of participants for the quilt contest and may apply their own standards for selection purposes. Quilts presented at State Contest must be completed in last two 4‐H years.

Judging competition for the quilt contest is based on the following: (Score Sheet is attached)


  1. Design‐ 30%
  2. Construction‐ 35%
  3. Interview ‐ 25%
  4. Presentation of Quilt ‐ 10%


Contestants will be required to present their quilt through a 1‐3 minute talk to the judges. Judges will also interview (ask questions) the contestants about the work they have done on the quilt.


Any size quilt will be accepted. Wall hangings and quilted garments will also be accepted.

Quilts may be hand quilted, machine quilted, or tied. Participants should be able to explain and support their choice of quilting technique.


All work must be completed by the 4‐H member. Professionally machine quilted items will not be accepted.


***By submitting a quilt entry participants are certifying that they have completed all parts of the submitted quilt themselves, including the quilting and finishing. ***


Participants should bring one picture of themselves and their quilt to Congress. Participants should bring their fabric swatches to Congress. Quilts will be displayed during Congress.


Members do not need to be enrolled in the quilting project to participate, although it is encouraged.



Winners will be announced at the awards program during Congress. There will be a trip to National 4‐H Congress available to the top scoring contestant. All winners will receive an award medal at State Congress


Montana 4‐H Congress Participants that are 13 years of age are permitted to compete in the state contest at the discretion of the County. However, they may not be eligible for an award trip due to age requirements set by the national/regional event. They do not lose their eligibility and can compete in future years to again earn eligibility for a national award trip

4‐H QUILT CONTEST EVALUATION Scoresheet used for judging.

Ranking: Blue □ Red □ White □

Name: Age: __ County: _______________

Years in 4‐H: Years in Sewing: Years in Quilting:

I: DESIGN: 30%

Excellent _____ Good Needs Improvement Comments:

Is the quilt pleasing to look at? Does it have balance? Is the distribution of lights

and darks effective?

Do the border, binding and backing complement the quilt?

Are the colors harmonious and work well together? Are the colors appropriate

for the use of the pattern?

Is the complexity of design appropriate to age and skill level?


Excellent _____ Good Needs Improvement Comments:

Is the quilt neat with no loose threads or knots showing? Is it clean and free of hair,

pencil/chalk marks or stains?

Is it properly identified (signature, label, etc.)?

Do all the points and corners meet precisely in the patchwork? Are all the curves smooth?

Do the pieces of the patchwork fit together smoothly and lay flat?

Is binding sewn on securely so it will wear well, uniformly full of filler, corners secure?

Is backing free of unsightly stitches, folds, or puckers?

Is backing fabric complementary to overall appearance of quilt?


Hand or Machine:

Are the quilting stitches even and uniform?

Do the quilting stitches complement the quilt? Is the quilting appropriate and adequate?

Tied: Is the tying appropriate and adequate?


Excellent _____ Good Needs Improvement Comments:

Shows growth in quilting knowledge and skills

Shows increased participation in quilting activities

Evidence of sharing quilting knowledge and skills with others

Evidence of leadership development, citizenship and community service


Excellent _____ Good Needs Improvement Comments:

Well‐groomed appearance

Poised, friendly, confident manner

Speaks distinctly ‐ loud enough to be heard, clear enough to be understood

Thoughts expressed in a logical manner