There are several steps to enrolling new volunteers and volunteers with a lapse in service in Montana 4-H. This guide is intended to help County Extension Staff complete the process in an orderly and efficient manner. For a more concise list of steps, refer to Quick Volunteer Enrollment/Certification Guide.

Collect Paperwork

Before proceeding to the next steps, collect ALL the necessary paperwork from volunteer applicant. Depending on how you order the background screening through Verified Volunteers, you may not need all the paperwork below.

Disclosures on Application

Only complete this step if the volunteer applicant disclosed any information in Section III [Personal Background] of the volunteer application. Copy or scan ONLY the page with the disclosure (include applicant’s name) and send to the Montana 4-H Center. If scanning, email to

4HOnline Enrollment

Enroll volunteer applicant in 4HOnline.

  • All information must be entered at one time. When you click “save,” the information will automatically be sent to the Montana 4-H Center and you will no longer be able to edit it.
  • Volunteers enrolling after a lapse in service must be entered as “new,” not “re-enrolling.”
  • While it may seem intuitive to wait until a volunteer applicant’s background screening has been completed before entering the applicant in 4HOnline, that is not the case. Whether the volunteer applicant is ultimately accepted as a volunteer or not, he or she will must be enrolled in 4HOnline.

4HOnline Invoice

Create an invoice to pay for the Sterling Volunteers background screening. See “Creating a Volunteer Screening Invoice” guide for step by step instructions.

Sterling Volunteers

Place an Order or Invite applicant to enter their information for a background screening through Sterling Volunteers. See guide for step by step instructions. Please note, these instructions reflect the headings from the previous name, Verified Volunteers. However, the steps and processes are still the same.

Montana 4-H Center Review/Approval

Staff at the Montana 4-H Center will review results of the background check and any applicant disclosures.

  • If all the above steps have been completed, the volunteer applicant did not disclose any information on his/her application, and the background screening is clear, the applicant will be approved in 4HOnline. The county office should then send an acceptance letter to the volunteer applicant.
  • If a background screening is not clear, and/or the applicant disclosed information, the Montana 4-H Center will contact the local agent about conducting a reference check. Applicant will be approved or rejected depending on results of record check and offense. Applicants may be approved, with restrictions. If there are any restrictions placed on the volunteer, the Volunteer Specialist will send the acceptance letter, outlining restrictions.
  • If the volunteer applicant is not approved in a timely manner, any of the following may have occurred:
    • All the above steps were not completed.
    • Incomplete information in 4HOnline for the volunteer applicant. If you suspect that you are missing information in 4HOnline, call 994-3501 or email

Acceptance Letter

Once the County Office receives notification from 4HOnline, then they can notify the volunteer of acceptance. If the volunteer is not accepted or accepted with conditions, then the 4-H Center will notify the applicant.

Volunteer Orientation/Training

The new volunteer must participate in an orientation opportunity provided by the Extension Office. The basic orientation is a provided factsheet, but a more in-depth orientation is recommended.