2024 Calendar of Workshops and Events

Workshop/Event Dates Location Information
Forest Stewardship for Loggers April 23-25 Kalispell logging.org/contact
Forest Stewardship May 2-3 & 10 Frenchtown



Forest Stewardship May 23-24 & 31 Bozeman
Forest Stewardship July 11-12 & 19 Kalispell
Forest Stewardship July 25-26 & August 2 Eureka
Forest Stewardship September 5-6 & 13 Condon
Forestry Mini-College March 9 University of Montana Missoula

Registration deadline: February 26

Save the date: March 8, 2025

MT Natural Resource Youth Camp July 14-19 Lubrecht Experimental Forest Greenough

Application deadline: July 1

Save the date: July 13-18, 2025

Project Learning Tree See online calendar for event schedule. montana.edu/extension/forestry/calendar
Other Workshops and Events
Annual Landowner Conference April 19 Helena



Weed Control and Forest Management Using Chemicals and Non-chemical Measures April 20 Helena
Tree Farm Annual Meeting and Tour September 28 TBA



2025 Forest Stewardship Workshop Interest Survey

Interested in a Forest Stewardship workshop? Help us plan for 2025 and into the future.

Go to: www.bit.ly/48gP4Eu. Complete a quick survey of location you might like to attend a workshop to help us determine 2025 and future workshop locations. Those on the survey will have an opprotunity for early registration in 2025.

For questions of information about the MSU Extension Forestry program or events:

extensionforestry@montana.edu - 406-243-2773 - montana.edu/extension/forestry