Upcoming Events


Title & Info Location

Seed Saving Basics

Learn everything you need to know to get started saving your own seed.  Topis will include plant biology, best practices, and seed preperation.

Bozeman Public Library, Community Room

626 E. Main St, Bozeman

September 17th

6:00 PM


Fall Yard and Garden Workshop

Lean about how to prepare your yard and garden for winter.  Topics will include lawn and tree care, perrenial flowers and vegetable gardens.

Gallatin County Extension Office

903 N Black Ave, Bozeman

October 8

6:00 PM


Food Preservation 101

Interested in preserving your own food? Get started with this class that will cover food preservation techniques and safety considerationss. 

Belgrade Libray, Meeting room

106 N Broadway Ave, Belgrade

October 12th

10:00 AM


Master Gardener Level 1 Course

Eight week class


Winter 2025


For questions about programs please call the office at 406-582-3282

Interested in taking the Master Gardener Class?  

See the Master Gardener page 

Join our mailing list




Gallatin County MSU Extension Horticulture
The Horticulture Program offers answers to clients who seek information on home insect and rodent control; orchard, fruit and vegetable garden care; urban windbreak, landscape and lawn maintenance; horticultural related animal damage; soil improvement; and insect, disease and plant identification.

Yard & Garden Publications Tree & Shrub Information

Can I Grow that Here?

Maintaining Successful Lawns in Montana

Successful Home Vegetable Gardening

Home Garden Soil Testing & Fertilizer Guidelines

Yard and Garden Water Management


More MSU Yard and Garden Publications

What's Wrong With this Tree?

Pruning Fruit Trees

A Guide to Pests, Problems, and Identification of Ornamental Shrubs and Trees

Tree & Shrub Selection Guide

Tree & Shrub Growers Guide

Trees and Shrubs of Montana Forests


More MSU Tree & Shrub Publications

Wildlife Control Information Preserving 

Wildlife Control Publications

Food Fact Sheets

Freezing Fruit

Freezing Vegetables

Home-Canning Using Boiling Water Canners and Pressure Canners

More Health and Nutrition Publications

Identification & Diagnostic Services

Bring samples into the office for identification and diagnostics. If we are not able to identify or diagnose in the office we will submit the sample to the Schutter Diagnostic lab. A $3 fee will be assessed after the third sample is submitted to the lab by an individual.