Big Sky, Big Leadership

In our community, 1 in every 13 people serve in a leadership role of some kind. Join us to practice skills to develop your leadership, learn about your community, and build relationships with other community members.

Take time to invest in yourself!Learn new skills and create strong relationships in your community.

Dates: October - April

More information page.

Wheatland County Community Foundation

Want to give back to your community in a way that will impact generations to come?  Wheatland County has a community foundation that enables you to "give where you live"!  All donations go to give grants to people and organizations in our own County in order to bring about economic development and growth. 

Grant applications for 2024 are now being accepted. Please visit the application page to review all needed information and documentation. Applications are due no later than October 15, 2024.

Application Page

Downloadable Application

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

 MHFA teaches people to identify and respond to signs of mental illness or substance use disorders. 

Strong People Exercise Groups

Wheatland County Extension offers several opportunities for people to stay strong and healthy.  Register with the Extension Office to attend classes. Classes run from October through May.  Be watching our Wheatland County Extension Facebook page for updates.

- Tai Ji Quan offers excersizes to promote balance and strong people offers specific strength training to support bones and muscles. A combination of both is offered each Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 am at the Armory Fitness Center.

Playground Grant

Who doesn't like a great playground for their kids right in the middle of town?  Wheatland County Extension has brought people and grants together to develop a safe, handicap accessible area for kids to enjoy in the middle of our beautiful Chief Joseph Park.