Tuesday, February 22, 2022

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Upcoming Announcements NCFDD Online Faculty Development



What Your Students Want You to Know About Belonging

Tuesday, February 22 || 10:00am - 11:00am || Via WebEx

REGISTER HERE The link will be sent to you via email.

Please join us for a WebEx panel of MSU professionals discussing what faculty can implement in their classrooms, labs and studios to better help students find a sense of belonging at MSU.

Alternative Authentic Assessments for Deeper More Meaningful Learning

Wednesday, February 23 || 12pm to 1:30pm|| SUB 235 and via WebEx

REGISTER HERE and add a note if you would like to attend via WebEx so that we can send you the link Lunch will be provided.

Using alternative assessment assignments in your teaching can provide students with multiple ways to learn, move students to deeper learning with open-ended tasks, stimulate creativity, and enhance engagement by adding an element of realism to the assignment.

NSF CAREER Grant Panel Session                                   

Thursday, February 24 || 10:00 – 11:30 am || SUB 233 or Webex

REGISTER HERE  Add a note in the comments if you would like to join via Webex and we will send a link.

Facilitated by Nika Stoop, Program Lead – Scholarship & Research CFE

Co-sponsored by the Office of Research Development 

The NSF CAREER Award is a prestigious grant that integrates education and research. Find out the key elements of the current solicitation and what should be included in these proposals from past reviewers and awardees at MSU.

Series on Implementing Inclusive Practices in the Classroom, Research, and Outreach

Monday, February 28 - Friday, March 4 || 12:00pm - 1:00pm || Via Webex

Join us for a series of online 1-hour sessions with three presenters each day to learn about how faculty and staff at MSU are changing the culture through their inclusive practices in advising, teaching, mentoring, podcasting, writing workshops and more… Learn more about the series here

Thursday, April 7 || 3:00 pm – 4:00pm || SUB Ballroom C 


Dr. Thomas Tobin is a founding member of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Mentoring at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as an internationally recognized scholar, author, and speaker on technology-mediated education. 
Registration will be capped at 20 people to keep the discussion manageable. Those attending will need to have read the book prior to the discussion. Also, please come with at least one discussion question or insight of your own to pose to the group. The electronic version of the book is available through the MSU library. Please let us know if you would like a hard copy of the book by contacting CFE Instructional Designer Dr. Shihua Brazill at shihuabrazill@montana.edu.  


Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Workshop: Sharing Panopto videos in D2L/Brightspace

Tuesday, February 22 || 2:00pm - 2:30pm || Online via WebEx
Join us via WebEx and learn how to use Panopto, our new institutionally supported lecture capture service.

Film Screening: Black Art in the Absence of Light

Thursday, February 24 || 6 - 8:30p.m || Hagar Auditorium  
Black History Month in partnership with MSU Black Student Union 

Inspired by the late David Driskell’s landmark 1976 exhibition, “Two Centuries of Black American Art,” the documentary Black Art: In the Absence of Light offers an illuminating introduction to the work of some of the foremost Black visual artists working today. After the film screening, join in a panel discussion to continue this important and timely conversation of Black equity in the arts.

MSU's first TEDxMSU

Saturday, February 26th ||9am-1:30pm||Reynolds Recital Hall

MSU's first TEDxMSU event will be held on February 26. The TEDx event features talks from MSU students, faculty, staff, and community members. You can find the schedule and speakers on the TEDxMSU webpage.

Coach ColeneIntegrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Your Work and Your Life

March 1 and 2 for multiple workshops in-person or via Webex (https://montana.webex.com/meet/h47t816).

We are excited to host Colene Elridge, otherwise known as Coach Colene, at MSU for 2 days of trainings. She is an HR professional who is passionate about transforming workplaces through leadership, communication, and engagement.

Mentoring Graduate Student Writers Discussion Sessions 

Tuesday, March 22, 29 and April 5 || 12:00 - 1:00 pm || Writing Center Wilson Hall 1-114

The MSU Writing Center invites all interested faculty to join a discussion group based on selected articles that identify practices to help build successful writing mentorship relationships with the intended outcome of increased publication submissions and a less stressful doctoral writing and revising process for all parties. 

XLi Extended Learning Institute

Teaching the Whole Student through Intentional Design
Learn how to foster motivation, commitment, and personal development in all students by designing for engagement and interaction. All faculty are welcome to attend.

April 7 & 8th in-person at Montana Tech or online.

MSU Outreach & Engagement Council accepting proposals for Seed Grant Program through April 11

Engagement is a critical component of the MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise. The program goal is to promote engagement activities that involve faculty, students and staff in partnership with local and regional constituents to address the needs of citizens in Montana and beyond.

Help a friend/student/colleague in a mental health crisis: Take the Kognito Challenge

From February 22nd to March 4th the entire campus is participating in the Kognito Challenge. Learn how to help a friend/student/colleague find the support and resources they need in a mental health crisis. Kognito is a 45 minute virtual training that walks you through the steps of recognizing mental health distress and referring to the appropriate resources. 


NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register.

14-day writing challenge

Did you know that you can use the 14-Day Writing Challenge to make progress on any kind of academic project? Join the Spring 14-Day Writing Challenge

Media Interviews and Relationship Building

Tue, Feb 22, 2022

12:00pm - 1:00pm MST

Scholars Strategy Network,Guest Webinar



MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555