For a Mid-Semester Energy Boost:

Tips for wrapping up a course at the end of the semester:

Below are evidence-based practices for accelerated learning and teaching compressed-format courses. Check out these articles and resources to learn more about how to best support your students this summer:

  • Best practices: teaching in summer session This short article lists some best practices to help instructors improve the learning experiences in teaching compressed-format summer session courses. 
  • Guidelines for teaching in time-shortened, intensive, or summer school settings This guide offers suggestions for teaching summer courses, including approaches to teaching, course design, the classroom setting, the blended/online environment, and assessment. 
  • Accelerated learning: a study of faculty and student experiencesThis study provides specific recommendations regarding implementation, assessment practices, and management of learning in an accelerated time frame. 

Suggested Reading Lists

Ken’s (CFE Instructional Designer) Favorite Books on Teaching: A collection of my favorite books for enhancing teaching and course design:

  • Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning by James Lang Shows how to make small changes to teaching that have a big impact on understanding, information retention, skill development, and engagement.
  • Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel Incorporates recent discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive psychology and turns them into practical teaching and learning strategies. This can be particularly useful for large introductory courses that rely heavily on quizzing and exams.
  • Teaching Naked by Jose Antonio Bowen Includes lots of ideas and tips for enhancing teaching and course design with and without the use of technology.
  • How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching by Ambrose Incorporates recent discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive psychology and turns them into practical teaching and learning strategies. This book transitions well from theory to practical strategies. 
  • Teaching What You Don’t Know by Therese Huston Tips and strategies for teaching subjects and content that you are not an expert in.
  • The Online Teaching Survival Guide, 2nd Edition by Judith Boettcher and Rita-Marie Conrad A lot of what you need to know to get started with online teaching, including organizing online courses, being present as the instructor, and building community online.

Dr. Shihua Brazill (CFE Instructional Designer) book recommendations on: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), teaching tips, and classroom assessment techniques.

  • Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education by Tomas Tobin.How faculty can implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in higher education to reach every student.
  • Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success by Andratesha Fritzgerald.How to identify and eliminate barriers, and to design inclusive learning environments so all students can succeed.
  • UDL in the Cloud: How to Design and Deliver Online Education Using Universal Design for Learning by Katie Novak and Tom Thibodeau. How to design and deliver online courses from the learners' perspective. It also provides evidence-based practices to design for everyone and remove potential barriers for all students.
  • UDL Navigators in Higher Education: A Field Guide by Eric Moore and Jodie Black. How to get started with implementing UDL in higher education.
  • McKeachie's Teaching Tips by Wilbert McKeachie and Marilla Svinicki. Practical strategies for maximizing learning for every student. These teaching tips are supported by research and instructors can adapt them to their own teaching practice.
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers (2nd edition), by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross. Classroom assessment techniques (C.A.T.s) designed by Angelo and Cross to provide students with feedback on the learning process before summative assessments.

Communicating with your students, accessibility and universal design:

These tips provide some really good advice on teaching hyflex or simulcasting a course as well as tips for engagingstudents in Zoom and teaching in a virtual classroom:

For the first week of a new semester:

  • Early Week Classroom Activities This article provides ways to build community and connections between students at the beginning of the semester and each week in the course

From the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD):

  • Empowered Teaching Toolkit: Beginning to Prepare for "Difficult" or "Controversial" Conversations  Watch the video now

  • Empowered Teaching Toolkit: Beginning to Find Joy as an Academic Watch the video now

  • Synchronous Online Discussions: Preparation, Facilitation & Wrap Up This short teaching blog post talks about how to provide some structure to live, synchronous online discussions to make them more effective and engaging for the students.
  • Encouraging Student Engagement During Synchronous Meetings: Preventing Midterm Drop-Off This short article offers tips and strategies if students begin to drop off in course with live, synchronous online sessions. 
  • Creating Magic in Your (Online) Classroom This short article offers 6 ways to connect better with your students in an online setting.
  • Making the Most of Synchronous Sessions in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) This article discusses ways to adapt project-based or problem-based learning to live, synchronous meetings in a blended or online course.

  • 7 Ways to Assess Students Online and Minimize Cheating This article offers advice on how to assess students online and minimize cheating.  Note that you may need to register or login with your MSU access to view this Chronicle of Higher Education article.

  • 6 Tips for Teaching Online and In-Person Simultaneously: The article, 6 Tips for Teaching Online and In-Person Simultaneously, outlines two approaches and offers 6 tips for when students are learning simultaneously online and in-person for the same class.

  • Using Blogs for Online, Hybrid or HyFlex Teaching: The teaching professor in this article, Using Blogs for Online, Hybrid or HyFlex Teaching, offers an online activity or assignment using blogs for ongoing reflection in an online or blended course.
  • Who Is Missing from College During the Pandemic? A Lot of Students, Actually: You may have noticed that attendance in your courses this fall has been down. While this article and associated podcast from EdSurge does offer some strategies for intervening when students drop off or stop attending courses, it can help put low attendance in context and perspective for you. 
  • Managing and using the chat tool in online classes: As students and instructors rely more on video conferencing platforms to replace interaction that takes place in the classroom, this article from FacultyFocus, Managing the Chat in Online Teaching: What We Can Learn From Live Streamers,” offers some strategies for managing and using the chat tool within WebEx, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams.
  • Using student-centric words to motivate your students: The words we use to frame our assignments and assessments can impact our student’s levels of engagement with them. The following article from Edutopia, “How to Choose Words That Motivate Students During Online Learning” shows how framing our assignments and assessments with the right student-centric words can help increase motivation to complete them.
  • Spotting Fake News:The Library offers this online tutorial on spotting fake news. Use these instructions to embed the Spotting Fake News Tutorial in Brightspace for your students.
  • How Technology Can Trick Us: In the Science, Technology, Ethics and Society Blog, Kristen Intemann, Professor of Philosophy, Department of History & Philosophy asks how technology can trick us.
  • The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Follow these steps to access The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips through the Library: 

    Follow this link: 
    Login with your NetID and password.
    Read the book online or download it as a PDF (if you download the book of any chapters, you will need to install Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader).

If you have a teaching tip related to teaching in a blended or online format to share in this section, please send a description and any related resources or examples to