We asked our staff to share some of their teaching tips and resources.Image of woman writing notes in notebook


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Research Compliance- Listen Now (~14min)

  • Kirk Lubick, Associate Vice President of Research Compliance
  • Kirk Lubick discusses what faculty need to know about research compliance. 
  • Text captions available here
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Communicating with Outside Communities- Listen Now (~16min)

  • Tracy Ellig, Vice President of University Communications
  • In this episode, Tracy Ellig, provides insight about communicating with outside communities.
  • Text captions available here
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Free Speech on Campus- Listen Now (~13min)

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Academic Technology and Outreach Department- Listen Now (~11min)

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Student Conduct- Listen Now (~16min)

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Early Alert Program- Listen Now (~12min)

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New Program for Mid and Late Career Facutly- Listen Now (~6min)

  • Nina Schweppe
  • Nina Schweppe, an instructional designer with the CFE, talks about a new program for mid and late career faculty.  

  • Text captions available here

Have ideas for a new podcast? Email us at cfe@montana.edu.