Criteria as listed on your acceptance form:


  • Students must have continious enrollment.
  • Students must ‘enroll’ for 30 credits for the academic year.
  • Students must be full-time (12 credits) for the award to disburse each term.
    • Enrolled Credits are checked prior to the 15th class day and finalized on the 15th class day. Reminders are sent prior to the 15th class day.
    • Awards are removed for enrollment of less than 12 credits on the 15th class day and the student becomes responsible for the amount removed.
  • Students must be full-time (12 credits) both terms but can take any combination to get them to 30 credits by the end of the spring term. (12 fall/18spring, 14 fall/16 spring, etc.)
  • Students who fall short of the 30 credits but have maintained full time enrollment (24 – 29 credits) will lose eligibility for renewal at the end of the spring term. These credits can be made up with either summer MSU credits or acceptable transfer credits. Students can request and complete an appeal after the summer credits to reinstate the scholarship.
  • Awards are not funded for the summer term as most students do not attend full-time and it would be counted as one of the eight eligible terms.
  • Achievements can be appealed in the final term (graduation) for less than full-time at a prorated amount.

Cumulative GPA

  • Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average.
  • GPA is checked annually at the end of the spring semester, after all grades have been posted.


Renewability & Appeals

  • Students are notified after the conclusion of the spring term if their award has not been renewed.
  • A student may appeal the loss of a scholarship. This appeal should be completed prior to the semester the student is intending to return (summer for the next fall). The form and instructions for appealing are located here: There are no guarantees in the appeals process. Appeals consider circumstances and academics.

Satisfactory Academic Progress


January 2023