Student job search: 


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What forms do I need to fill out in order to start employment?

  • If you have accepted your award, registered for classes, and confirmed your bill you will receive the Work Study Certificate of Eligibility by email about two weeks before the first day of classes. Make sure you have updated your contact information in My Info!  
  • Bring your Certificate to your interview with your potential employer. Once hired, your employer will initiate the onboarding process. 
  • If you have not been employed by MSU before, you will need to fill out an I-9, W-4, and New Hire form.  Your employer should have these available.    


How much may I earn?

  • You may not earn more than the authorized amount indicated on your Financial Aid award letter.  Once this amount has been earned, you are no longer eligible to be employed under the Work Study program even if your period of eligibility has not expired. 
  • If you have earned your maximum Work Study award before the period of eligibility expires, your employer, at his/her discretion may choose to change your employment status from Work Study to Student Hourly Worker. 
  • Any unearned balance in the fall may be carried forward to the spring. If on the last day of eligibility for the year, you have not earned your authorized award the remaining balance is forfeited.  If you worked in the fall and are not returning in the spring, you can only earn the amount indicated for the fall term. 


How many hours can I work?

  • You may not work more than 20 hours per week during any week in which you are enrolled and attending classes. 
  • You must be registered for six or more credits for each semester in which you are employed as a Work Study.


What is my wage and how am I paid?

  • Wages are a matter of agreement between you and your employer.  However, it must fall somewhere between Montana minimum wage and $16.00 per hour.
  • You will be paid under “an hour’s pay for an hour’s work” agreement. Students are paid every other Wednesday. A calendar of all pay days can be found Here:

2024 Payroll Calendar  

 All employees are encouraged to establish direct deposit. The direct deposit form can be found at, under direct deposit.  

What are my obligations?

  • You must be enrolled for 6 or more credit hours each semester. You must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress.  You can find that policy here:
  • You must communicate with your employer(s) if you are working in more than one position so that each employer can coordinate scheduling and ensure that you do not earn more than you are eligible between the two positions.
  • You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner and to deliver a full measure of work for the time you are employed.  Your employer will expect the same regular, punctual and efficient performance that is expected of their regular full-time and part-time employees. 
  • If your employer determines that you have not met your obligations, you may be terminated and continuation in the Work Study program may be jeopardized. 

What if I accepted the Work Study award and cannot work in the fall semester?

If you find that you did not have time to work or could not find a compatible employment arrangement, please let us know before the expiration date on your Certificate of Eligibility. You can submit a written request to the Office of Financial Aid Services prior to the expiration date on the Certificate of Work Study Eligibility. If your Work Study award gets canceled because the Certificate of Eligibility expired, the award will be canceled for both fall and spring semesters. 

Reinstatement of the award will be dependent upon availability of funding at the time the request is made and is not guaranteed.