Graphic showing people shouting at each other with bullhorns across a divide. Text on it says "... or we could build a bridge. Listen. Speak. Respect."

Listen. Speak. Respect.

Montana State University recognizes that the freedom of expression is integral both to our democracy and to the purpose and processes of a university.

But freedom of expression does not mean you can always say anything you want — like the classic example of shouting “fire” in a crowded theater and causing a panic. Having the freedom of speech means that your right to say something is protected within certain limits. There may be consequences for the things you say, but you still have the right to say them.

At MSU, free speech and expression is only limited in order to avoid conflict with the normal uses of campus, the rights of others and the limitations that already exist in law. No university policy or rule will infringe on the rights protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

On this site, you can learn more about your rights, how to express disagreement through assembly and how to report concerns.


Image of justice scales on a golden sky background.

Know Your Rights

Learn about the First Amendment and other laws and regulations regarding free speech.


Image of question mark on a golden sky background.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to common questions about free speech and various scenarios you might encounter.


Image of a megaphone on a golden sky background.

Use Your Voice

Discover your options for expressing your views on campus.

Image of a hand palming a globe on a golden sky background.

Get Support

Find help with various resources from all across MSU.


Questions about free speech and expression

Providing universal answers on issues of free speech and free expression is difficult. Often, the circumstances of each situation must be considered individually before any conclusions can be drawn. If you have questions about a free expression matter not covered on this site or about any of the policies summarized here, reach out to the following people for help:


The information presented on this site intended only as an introduction to MSU's policies and as a guide. It is not legal advice. Legal advice for students is available from ASMSU Legal Services. Employees of MSU can consult with the university's legal counsel or human resources.