Global engagement doesn't only happen on a study abroad program; there are countless opportunities to connect with the world right here in Montana. Click through these resources to help you get started.


International Business Clubvolunteer

Be a Student Engagement Global Ambassador (SEGA)

Student Engagement Global Ambassadors (SEGAs) are the heart of involvement on campus. SEGA students will have the opportunity to share their personal engagement experiences with their peers through study abroad advising and classroom presentations, all while receiving MSU credit. MSU students interested in getting involved on campus will have the opportunity to consult with SEGAs to better understand the magnitude and breath of engagement opportunities on and off campus. 

Find out more about becoming a SEGA![BROKEN LINK]

Join the International Business Club

You don't have to be a Business major to join of group of globally minded students in the International Business Club. The club is a great way to learn about international business, meet others from around the world, and learn how to leverage your international experiences on your resume.

Click here to learn more.

Volunteer with Study Abroad

Study Abroad hosts annual events that requires volunteer power. We are always in need of sharing your global experiences through assisting at orientations, classroom presentations, or other global events. Please email with "volunteer" in the subject line to learn more about ways to get involved.