American Studies

Dr. Susan Kollin, Director
2-202 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4262
email Susan

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Steve Holmgren, Advisor / Teaching Faculty
305 Gaines Hall, (406)994-5393
email Steve

Earth Sciences

First-year and transfer students:

Earth Sciences department

email Earth Sciences

Upper-division students:

Claudia Albrecht, Academic Services Coordinator
226 Traphagen, (406)994-3331
email the department


Ecology advising webpage

First-year and transfer students:

Madalyn Eglian 

(406) 994-2911

Upper-division students:

email Madalyn


First-year and transfer students:

Melissa Hill, Academic Advisor
106 Linfield Hall, (406)994-1910
email Melissa

Upper-division students:

Kellie Christensen

303 Linfield Hall, (406)994-3702

email Kellie

schedule an appointment with Kellie Christensen


First-year and transfer students:

English Department
email english department

Upper-division students:

Mandy Hansen

2-176 Wilson Hall, (406)994-3768

email Mandy

History and Philosophy

Gus Evans, Business Operations Manager
2-155 Wilson, (406)994-4395
email Gus

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies advising webpage and appointment scheduler

Aisha Garged, Program Advisor
1-155 Wilson Hall, (406)994-5936
email Aisha


Jane Crawford, Administrative Assistant
2-214 Wilson Hall, (406)994-3601
email Jane

Modern Languages and Literatures

Lisa Roots, Business Operations Manager
117 Gaines, (406)994-4448
email Lisa

Native American Studies

Erika Ross, Academic Services Coordinator
239A American Indian Hall (406)994-3884
email Erika


Dr. John Neumeier, Professor / 1st-year advisor
Barnard Hall 238, (406)994-6171
email John

Political Science

       First-year and transfer students:

       Jeffrey Nelson, Academic Advisor
1-106 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4202
email Jeffrey

      Schedule an appointment with Jeffrey Nelson

       Upper-division students:

       Zab Reese, Business Operations Manager
       2-143 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4141

       email Zab


     First-year and transfer students:

     Jeffrey Nelson, Academic Advisor

     1-106 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4202
email Jeffrey

     Schedule an appointment with Jeffrey Nelson

     Tracy Ackeret, Academic Advisor
1-106 Wilson Hall, (406)994-5189
email Tracy

       Schedule an appointment with Tracy Ackeret

      Upper-division students:

Grant Carroll, Academic Services Coordinator
319 Traphagen, (406)994-6052
email Grant

Sociology and Anthropology

       First-year and transfer students:

       Jeffrey Nelson, Academic Advisor
1-106 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4202
email Jeffrey

       Schedule an appointment with Jeffrey Nelson

      Upper-division students:

      Zab Reese, Business Operations Manager
       2-143 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4201

       email Zab

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor

        Dr. Tomomi Yamaguchi, Director
        2-127 Wilson Hall, (406)994-7288
        email Tomomi

L&S Dean’s Office Contact for Advising

Info: The CLS Advising Center will also help answer your questions and connect you with your advisor.  For any advising questions, please contact:

Alex Reynolds, CLS Team Lead / Academic Advisor
1-106 Wilson Hall, (406)994-4254
email Alex

Aisha Garged, Academic Advisor
1-155 Wilson Hall, 994-5936
email Aisha

Jeffrey Nelson, Academic Advisor
1-106 Wilson Hall, 994-4202
email Jeffrey