InfoReady isMSU’s internal application portal for coordinating limited submissions proposals, internal grants, nominations, and awards.

Limited Submissions

What is a Limited Submission?

Limited Submissions are funding opportunities that allow a specific and limited number of proposals from a given institution. Extra submissions can result in rejection of all proposals submitted by that institution.

The Office of Research Development advertises hundreds of limited submission opportunities each year but cannot identify them all. If you find a funding opportunity of interest that is limited but not entered into InfoReady, please contact ORD immediately to establish an internal competition or seek approval on a first-come, first-served basis.

MSU Limited Submissions Procedures

The Office of Research Development uses InfoReady to coordinate limited submissions for Montana State University. PIs interested in a limited submission opportunity must submit a two-page pre-proposal along with CVs for each PI and Co-PI to an internal competition via InfoReady by the specified deadline. Should the number of pre-proposals submitted exceed the number of allowable submissions for an opportunity, the Office of Research Development will convene a review panel and coordinate nominations. Proposals selected to enter the full competition are routed through the Office of Sponsored Program’s Electronic Proposal Clearance Form (ePCF). Upon final submission through the ePCF, the Office of Research Development will confirm whether or not a limited submission proposal was approved to move forward. Accepting a nomination for a limited submission funding opportunity is a commitment to apply.

Please note: If MSU’s internal deadline for a limited submission opportunity has passed but the sponsor’s deadline has not, you may still be able to apply. Contact ORD.


Developing a pre-proposal
Two-page pre-proposals should discuss:

  • Goals/objectives of the proposal
  • General methods/approach
  • Anticipated outcomes
  • Significance and novelty of the work, including alignment with sponsor goals
  • Contributions to MSU's strategic plan
  • Requested or required institutional support
  • Team composition and suitability
  • Proposal status (new or revised submission)


Accessing InfoReady
New users should log in to set up their account before uploading an application. To log in with your MSU NetID, click "Log in" in the top right-hand corner of the InfoReady homepage. Select your opportunity of interest in the table labeled “Research Funding Opportunities” below, and click “Apply." Proceed to complete the required fields and upload the necessary documents. An application can be saved as a draft or submitted by clicking “Submit Application.”

Please note that InfoReady additionally features non-limited (open) funding opportunities of particular relevance to the MSU research community as well as internal grant opportunities. Use the drop-down menu in the right-most table column to filter opportunities by category (Limited Submission, Internal Opportunity, Open Funding Opportunity).   

InfoReady users can view a 4-minute introductory overview or contact for assistance.