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Tree & Plant care is a long-term task from greenhouse/nursery production to care and maintenance.

Tree Campus USA - Urban Forest Managment

Tree information such as type, date planted and other information can be found by clicking the Tree Inventory Data

Tree & Plant Care

Caring for trees and plants across campus takes a lot of coordination between the landscaping team and campus users. You can help care for plants and trees by ensuring everyone uses dedicated streets and sidewalks for travel, avoid damage to trees by utiliziing proper tools/resources when using trees to assist in activities like hammocking or slacklining and avoid picking plants from flowerbeds.

Winter Tree Care

Winter Tree Care involves a lot of help from campus consituents. Depending on the amount of snowfall and the type of snow, trees can be damaged easily.

If you notice tree damage, especially hanging branches/limbs, we encourage you to stay clear and report it to Facility Services Work Control by calling 406-994-2107.