Thursday, April 24, 2025 SUB Ballrooms

 MSU Student Research Celebration April 24, Morning session 10am-12pm, break 12pm-1pm, afternoon session 1pm - 3pm, SUB Ballrooms

Celebrating research and creativity in all academic disciplines. Event is open to the public. Light refreshments provided. 


Spring 2024 Montana State University Student Research Celebration Program with Abstracts

Information and Instructions:

Abstract Submissions and Registration

  • Eligibility

    • Open to undergraduates and graduates.
    • Event is multidisciplinary.
    • All research and creative endeavors (e.g. music, art, film) are welcomed!
  • Format

    • Event is primarily a poster session format.
    • MSU student and academic groups may apply to host flexible format special topics sessions if they wish via the topical session forms.
  • Abstract Submission Instructions

      • Include any special presentation format requests in submission such as:
        • Access to power plugs for computers
        • Ability to hang framed artwork
        • Other special requests for films, unique set-ups etc.  

Presenter Information 

Poster Sessions
    • 9:00 AM
      • USP staff and volunteers arrive for early set up
    • 9:30 AM -10:00 AM
      • Morning presenters sign in and set up
      • Campus partners arrive to set up info tables
    • 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Celebration begins!
      • Morning Session presentations
      • Light refreshments served

    • 12 PM – 12:30 PM
      • Morning session presenters break down
    • 12:30 – 1:00 PM
      • Afternoon session presenters sign in and set up

    • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
      • Afternoon Session presentations begin!
      • Light refreshments served

    • 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
      • USP staff and volunteers break down event
      • Afternoon presenters take down posters
Sponsor Logos

MT Space Grant Consortium, INBRE, USP Horizontal-Color, USP Horizontal-BW, USP Vertical-Color, USP Vertical-BW, TRiO 

Poster Dimensions

Posters will be secured to poster boards that are 4ft wide and 6ft tall. 

A standard poster size is 4ft x 3ft. 

Presentation Format

Students should come prepared with a quick elevator pitch about their project and ready to field questions from visitors.

Poster Printing Resources

Local resources that have been recommended by other students are FedEx and Selby's. 


Frequently Asked Questions

The rule of thumb is one abstract per poster. If you and your group members are collaborating on a single poster to present together, then submit a single abstract (note - you can acknowledge multiple presenters on a single abstract submission). If you are each preparing posters separately, but wish to present side-by-side, please submit a separate abstract for each poster and include a note on the abstract submission form requesting placement next to your other group members.

Abstracts should provide a concise (200 words or less) overview of the major aspects of your project, including the purpose/significance of the project, hypothesis/research questions, methods/creative techniques, and any results/conclusions obtained to date. Visit our tips for writing abstracts page for more details.

In most cases, the USP does not “reject” abstracts unless they are very poorly written or outline a poorly defined project. We may request revisions or clarifications, however, especially in cases where minor editing errors are identified or formatting is compromised by the web security system.

The USP will be in communication with students to keep them apprised of the review process.  Students will be notified if revisions are requested. Be sure to keep an eye on your email in the weeks leading up to the conference. We have a tight timeline in which to compile and edit the program before it goes to print.  Quick responses are greatly appreciated!

Non-alpha-numeric characters and formatting are often removed when the abstracts pass through the campus web-security system. The USP relies on the correctly formatted PDF copies for reference when editing and replacing the lost formatting for the printed program.

The presentation format is primarily poster session. Students should come prepared with a quick 'elevator pitch' describing their research project and outcomes and anticipate Q&A with faculty, student, and community attendees.

Yes, as long as students give advance notice via the online abstract submission form. Please be sure to note any formatting requests at the time of abstract submission so we can plan accordingly with regard to poster assignments, floor plan, etc.

Please be aware that the USP does NOT have access to screens and computer equipment for students to borrow (you will need to bring whatever equipment you might need on conference day – i.e. laptop, screen, etc.), but we will be sure to assign you a space near a power outlet and can provide extension cords, power-bars, and a table on which to arrange your equipment. For students bringing framed art work, we will provide room dividers with wooden slats/tea-hooks that run across the top (similar to those provided at the annual “Upheaval” arts show).

Yes, as long as you give us advance notice via the online abstract submission form. Please note on the form whether you might need a table to arrange your materials on, access to power, and/or or a space that can accommodate large items (i.e. sculptures, robots, etc.) so we can plan accordingly for poster assignments and floor plan.

Yes. It is not uncommon for students to be analyzing data and synthesizing results up through the end of the semester, and/or to be working on a particular phase of a longer-term project that spans multiple semesters, so you are welcome to present on “progress to date” at the Research Celebration.

We recommend checking first with your mentor or department to find out whether they have access to printing equipment, and if so, how to go about making an appointment. Department printers typically print for cost. Another option is to check with area printing services. Students recommend Selby's and FedEx.

You can also craft a suitable poster without the help of a professional printer. Please see the “Poster Session Guidelines” in the Presenter Information section for more details.

Whichever option you decide on, be sure to make an appointment in advance – the printers will be very busy leading up to the event, and may not be able to accommodate walk-in requests.

Unfortunately, no. Students may check to see if there is a printing budget available through their mentor or research sponsor, but if not, will need to budget for the expense personally. Alternatively, students can craft a poster without the help of a professional poster by matting and arranging individual power point slides on their poster space. Please see the “Poster Session Guidelines” in the Presenter Information section for more suggestions and details.

Since the format is primarily poster session, students can come and go if they need to attend class. The USP asks that presenters be there as much as possible during their scheduled session time, but does not expect students to miss class. If you cannot be there during the set-up or clean-up times please make arrangements with a friend, mentor, or colleague to set-up or take-down your poster for you.

Please let the USP office know as soon as possible. Once poster assignments have been finalized it is difficult to re-schedule. Depending on the event capacity, we may or may not be able to accommodate your request. Please give the USP as much advance notice as possible, and we will do our best to work with you.

There is not a formal dress code, but we appreciate students dressing at least “business casual.” In most cases, presenters wear slacks, khaki pants, or skirts and button-down shirts or sweaters. More formal wear (blazers, ties, etc.) are welcome, but not required. For the most part, the audience will be comprised of campus members (faculty, students, staff, and administrators).


Past Conference Programs