This content reflects work done as part of the Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship (IPSL) grant funded by IMLS (RE-246303-OLS-20). Actual assignments may vary.

Modules 6 & 7: Lesson / Unit Plan: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

You will have two weeks to explore additional digital tools. They may be tools that your classmates suggested in Weeks 4 & 5, resources you’ve been aware of but haven’t had time to explore, or new resources you find in the list provided. You will share how you might incorporate these tools into your lesson / unit plan, and your teaching in general.  

Module Objectives

  • Locate and evaluate tools that add diversity, equity, and inclusion resources to classroom instruction
  • Incorporate a diversity, equity, and/or inclusion resource into a lesson/unit plan



Choose a tool digital tool that has a focus on diversity, equity, and/or inclusion. It can be from the Common Sense Media list, from the resources shared in Week 4 &5, or another resource that you are aware of. Be prepared to discuss what the tool is and how it works, what you would use it, and how it will enhance your instruction.

Share & Grow

In the Weeks 6 & 7 Discussion Forum, attached a revised copy of your lesson / unit plan with the new digital tool included. Explain the tool you selected, why you selected it, how you plan to use it, and how it will enhance your instruction. Additionally, explain how your digital tools might enhance learning for your particular group of learners; include a discussion of the demographics of your school.