This content reflects work done as part of the Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship (IPSL) grant funded by IMLS (RE-246303-OLS-20). Actual assignments may vary.

Module 8: Apply / Reflect

Welcome to the final module. It’s time to apply your knowledge and refine your unit plan based on the feedback you received during Module 6. You will also spend time this week reflecting on your learning. I hope you can see your own growth and all the competencies you have mastered during this course and feel good about implementing inquiry in the classroom. We’ve spent eight weeks together, but there is always more to learn and more room to grow. As you start to use inquiry in your learning environment, remember that is it a process and all good things take time.

Module Objectives

  • Refine an inquiry-based unit plan.
  • Reflect on learning.


Inquiry Spotlight

Alyce Johnson, teacher and principal at Kluane Lake School in Destruction Bay, Yukon, shares how they blended Indigenous knowledge into their students' learning. Imagine making your own curriculum connections maps for the units you teach throughout the year. How many IEFA Essential Understandings and Alaska Cultural Standards for Educators could you address? What would it look like to assess your learners based on their cultural competency?


Refine your unit plan based on the peer and instructor feedback you received in Module 6. Refer to the unit plan rubric in Module 6 as a guide, as well.


Post twice to the #reflect discussion board. You may respond to the initial thread and then to one classmate or respond twice to your classmates. Be sure to add something substantive to the discussion. Remember to include citations to the relevant literature to support your assertions. Address the following:

How can inquiry impact one’s growth mindset? How has your thinking changed around inquiry, library instruction, and/or teaching collaboration? Share “I used to think… but now I think…” and explain how / why your thinking changed. List three things you will keep in mind when facilitating inquiry with your learners in the future.


Visit the class Q&A discussion board. Post one or more questions you have about inquiry. Each question should be a new thread. Respond to at least one of the posted questions from your classmates with your insights, ideas, or suggestions.

Additionally, please complete the course evaluations, which will be shared as soon as the link is available. These are an important part of course improvement for your instructor and the program. Your time and honest feedback are important and sincerely appreciated.