Honors Ambassadors

Honors Ambassadors act as the first point of contact for prospective students and their families through a presentation as a part of campus visits. Ambassadors present once per week over the noon hour, giving an overview of the Honors College and answering questions from students and families. We find that this chance for prospective students to interact with current Honors students is often what seals the deal on their decision to attend MSU. If you are interested in serving as an Honors ambassador, please contact the Honors office by stopping in to NAH 347, calling 406-994-4110 or emailing honors@montana.edu.

Honors College Internal Advisory Council Members

Members of the Internal Advisory Council serve as advisory committee on all policy matters pertaining to the Honors College, including selection of curriculum, policies, and graduation requirements. If you are interested in serving on the Internal Advisory Council, please contact the Honors office by stopping in to NAH 347, calling 406-994-4110 or emailing honors@montana.edu.

Honors Presents Team

The Honors Presents team is the incredible group of students who organize and execute our Honors Presents Lecture Series. If you are interested in being a part of the Honors Presents team, or if you would like to submit an event to be considered as an Honors Presents event, please email the team at HonorsPresents@montana.edu