Representing residents since 1973

The Residence Hall Association, or RHA, is a student organization that represents and serves every student living in the residence halls at Montana State University. RHA provides many services to our residents including advocating for residents’ interests, planning events, and assisting in building communities across campus.

RHA has many parts to it, including:

  • The RHA Executive Board represents the entire on-campus population and plans a variety of events throughout the year for all residents to enjoy. Some events they host are the Fall and Spring Leadership Workshop, Movie on the Lawn, Go Cats Lights, and more!
  • The RHA Senate is composed of two senators from each residence hall. Senate meets weekly to give building updates, meet with campus clubs and offices, and pass legislation regarding the use of student funds.
  • Hall Councils are student entities which represent each resident within a given residence hall. They meet weekly to discuss what is occurring in the building, what the residents would like to see, and to plan events for the hall.”

Each floor community is represented by a Floor Representative which attends all hall council meetings and provides a direct voice for the residents of the community.