Regardless of your experience, the Residence Hall Association has something for everyone. Whether you were involved with student government in high school, team sports, speech & debate, or nothing in particular, RHA welcomes anyone interested in providing a fun and exciting environment for your fellow residents.

Residence Hall Association Executive Board

The RHA Executive Board includes 5 positions; to be eligible for any Executive Board position, you must be an on-campus resident. The President and Vice President are elected by a general election held in the hall. The three other positions are appointed by the President and Vice President with approval from the RHA Senate (see below); these appointed Exec Board positions are the Chief Administrator, Director of Programming, and Director of Communications and Marketing. The Executive Board strives to provide support and oversight to individual Hall Councils and the RHA Senate while also providing fun and engaging activities for students.

For a break down of all positions, check out the position descriptions page.

Residence Hall Association Senate

From each residence halls, two students are elected to serve as senators, representing their hall’s interests to the RHA Senate. Senators meet weekly to share hall council updates, vote on the use of student social fees, meet with other campus organizations and offices, and vote on legislation. RHA Exec Board members also attend weekly RHA Senate meetings, which take place on Wednesdays at 7pm.

Floor Representative

While all residents in a building are members of RHA, a small group of elected students represent their floors during weekly hall council meetings. Floor representatives work closely with their RA to build community and address any community challenges. Floor representatives also attend hall council meetings, where they plan fun events, hall improvements, and represent the needs of the building’s residents to RHA and University Student Housing. From the floor representatives, each hall council will also elect a President and Senator to serve as Hall Council Officers.

See your RA or email for more information and get involved!