Statistical Consulting and Research Services

Statistical Consulting and Research Services (SCRS) was funded by the College of Letters and Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montana INBRE, and the Mountain West CTR-IN from 2017 to 2024.

Past Advisory Council Members: Alexandra Adams, Ann Bertagnoli, John Borkowski, James Burroughs, Steve Cherry, Mike Franklin, Mark Greenwood, Michele Hardy, Megan Higgs, Andrew Hoegh, Kathryn Irvine, Mary Leonard, Andrea Litt, Sara Mannheimer, Scott Myers, Tricia Seifert, Jovanka Voyich-Kane, Donna Williams.

Past Directors: Greta Linse, Dr. Mark Greenwood, Dr. Megan Higgs, Dr. Lillian Lin

Past Associates and Consultants: Sarah Adigwe, McBeth Ahortor, Priscilla Bacino, Christopher Barbour, Katharine Banner, Noah Benedict, Lisa Bowersock, Nicole Bohme Carnegie, Kenneth Flagg, Bridgett Foran, Leslie Gains-Germain, Devin Goodwin, Caroline Hardy, Megan Higgs, David Lartey, Michael Lerch, Kelly Loucks, Andrea Mack, Maya Marchese, Addison Marcus, Sarah McKnight, Elizabeth Mery, Elijah Meyer, Dennis Moritz, Moses Obiri, Kayode Oyeniran, Christopher Peck, Michaela Powell, Jaley Priddy, Claire Rasmussen, Laurie Rugemer, Braden Scherting, Jordan Schupbach, Sally Slipher, Jeremy Tate, Tan Tran, Allison Theobold, Rachel Ulrich, Stephen Walsh, Jennifer Weeding, Meaghan Winder, and Huafeng Zhang.

Citing prior collaboration with Statistical Consulting and Research Services (SCRS):

When you make use of work provided by SCRS for publications or presentations, please be sure to acknowledge the funding SCRS received from NIGMS using the following: "Research reported in this publication was supported by Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Awards P20GM103474 and U54GM104944.  The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." SCRS was funded by NIH grants, so all publications resulting from the work must be deposited to PubMed Central, receive a PMCID number, and be reported to the NIH. Instructions on how to obtain a PMCID number can be found on the National Institutes of Health website.

How can I use the reports provided by SCRS?

We encourage you to use the information we provided in discussions with colleagues. Please do not publish or present any portion of this material without permission from the former director of SCRS, Greta Linse, and/or the consultants who worked on your project. SCRS retains copyright for material furnished to you through formal reports.  Please formally acknowledge the grants that funded SCRS in the dissemination of your work, even if not using material directly from a formal report.