All students funded by the USP are required to make a public presentation of their project. This requirement should be met by participating in the annual MSU Student Research Celebration. Students who are unable to attend the Research Celebration due to scheduling reasons should arrange for an alternative presentation format, approved in advance by their project mentor and the USP office. Non-USP students may also participate in the Research Celebration. 

Abstract Submission

Students planning to present at the Research Celebration must submit an abstract electronically through the USP Dashboard system in order to register and reserve a poster space at the event. Abstract submissions for the Research Celebration typically open in early-mid February and close in early March.  Submission dates and instructions will be posted on the Student Research Celebration page as they become available. 

Students must submit an abstract to be included in the Research Celebration. The USP will not automatically register you for the event.

For more details, please visit the Student Research Celebration page.  

Research Celebration - FAQ’s 


Am I required to present at the Student Research Celebration?

Yes. Students funded by the USP are expected to present at the MSU Student Research Celebration.  If you have an extenuating circumstance and don't think you can attend (i.e. graduating in December, studying abroad, etc.), please contact the USP office in advance so we can work with you and your mentor to determine an appropriate substitution for the presentation requirement. 

When is the Student Research Celebration?

The Research Celebration is typically scheduled for the third Thursday in April. Please check the Student Research Celebration webpage to confirm exact dates.    

What if I cannot attend due to scheduling reasons?

Please contact the USP office in advance so we can work with you and your mentor to determine an appropriate substitution for the presentation requirement.  Keep in mind that students are NOT expected to miss class for the event.  The format is primarily a poster session, so students can come and go if they need to attend class.  Requests for substitutions should be limited to extenuating circumstances (i.e. graduating in December, studying abroad, etc.)      

What if I do not have my final results by the time of the event? Am I still expected to present?

Yes.  It is not uncommon for students to be analyzing data and synthesizing results through the end of the semester and/or to be working on a particular phase of a longer-term project that spans multiple semesters. You are welcome (and expected) to present on “progress to date” at the Research Celebration. By mid-late April, students should have progress to report even if they are not anticipating the project will be entirely complete at that time. If you have experienced significant delays to your project and are concerned that you will not have enough results to present, please contact the USP office. We'll work with you and your mentor to determine an appropriate course of action.      

How do I submit an abstract?

Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the USP dashboard system.  Please check the Student Research Celebration page to confirm submission deadlines.    

When do I need to submit my abstract?

Abstract submissions typically open in early-mid February and close in early March. Please check the Student Research Celebration page to confirm submission deadlines.    

I am presenting as part of a group project. How should we submit our abstract?

Submit one abstract per poster. If you and your group members are collaborating on a single poster to present together, then submit a single abstract. If you are each preparing a poster separately, but wish to present side-by-side, please submit a separate abstract for each poster and include a note on the abstract submission form requesting placement next to your other group members. 

What is the presentation format?

The presentation format is primarily a poster session. If other presentation options/formats are available, they will be listed on the abstract submission form. Otherwise, students should plan to prepare a poster for the event. With advance notice, the USP will work with students to accommodate requests for access to power, spaces that will accommodate framed artwork, a table to display project materials, etc.  Please make a note of any special requests in the abstract submission form.           

Does the USP have funds available for poster printing?

Unfortunately, no. The USP does not have a budget available for poster printing at this time. Students may check to see if there is a printing budget available through their mentor or research sponsor, but if not, will need to budget for the expense personally. Students may also craft a suitable poster without the help of a professional printer by constructing tri-fold boards or bringing in individual sheets of paper to arrange on their poster space.  Please see the Student Research Celebration page for more details and guidelines for preparing you poster.